mikko - the blog

i've decided to write about life, show some pictures and hopefully some people may be interested...

Friday, February 16, 2007

snow football! some of my friends wanted to play snow football and we were lucky enough to round up 8-10 people for the last couple of weekends. the good thing is that we've had a good mix of people so far - americans, amerifinns, finns, boys and girls. here are a couple of shots. one action shot and another of me looking dejected after my request to allow one blitz per five downs was rejected (i like rushing). matti wasn't able to play at the second game because he fell off his bike and managed to strain a shoulder ligament. he's out of commission for three weeks or so... anyway, tackling in the snow isn't that rough so we've kept our injuries down to one (besides the usual small bruises and such). i almost broke my nose last weekend by running headfirst into my teammate's head (we were both tackling the same guy). i managed to bleed from my nose for almost two hours straight but there's no lasting damage (though due to my obsessive worry at why it's still sore i've managed to convince myself that the cartilage is 'loose'). enough of the drama, football is fun and it's another sporting event that keeps me on the track of being somewhat active


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